My name is Dr. Inga Hubrecht and I’m a physician working in internal medicine.
During the last years I developed a great interest in the possibility of disease prevention by a healthy lifestyle. So many diseases these days are linked to a poor diet, a lack of movement / exercise and bad self-care. Finding reliable high quality information about healthy living is not so easy for non-dietitians/physicians is not so easy.
The information quality provided by the media about a healthy lifestyle is predominantly poor, diets are promoted with no scientific background or evidence. Some diet / lifestyle tips from health professionals are great, the vast majority (presented by self named experts or companies trying to sell products) sadly is not. These diets might only cost a fortune without helping, but some diets might even harm you.
The amount of diet myths wandering around the web is insane. Finding scientific information and creating content based on these is my goal.
So enjoy reading and creating healthy habits!